In Marty We Trust
The Departed isn't Martin Scorsese's best movie by a long shot, but who gives a rip. Amid the tedium of the four hour ceremony it was a pleasure to see him receive the Academy honors that have eluded him for over thirty years. Did anyone else catch Clint Eastwood yawning during Marty's speech?
I can't remember a year where I felt so indifferent during the Best Picture announcement. The Queen was my first choice, but I knew from the polls that it didn't stand a chance. Usually Best Picture goes to a film that wins one of the screenplay awards, so I figured Little Miss Thang might squeak through and join the legions of mediocre movies that have won top honors. At least The Departed is a couple of notches above mediocre, but I doubt anyone will be talking about it five years from now.
For the most part I thought Ellen was a charming host, even though her opening monologue wobbled. The producers could have easily sliced a half hour off the ordeal by canning the lame Will Ferrell/Jack Black routine and the interesting but completely irrelevant "images of America" montage.
The awards went pretty much as expected, with the exception of Alan Arkin's upset victory in the Best Supporting Actor department. I'm not a fan of Dreamgirls and wanted its trophy haul kept to a minimum. The award should have gone to Little Children's Jackie Earle Haley, but Arkin's victory was just fine (even though he's played that same role a hundred times and could have done it in his sleep).
Dear Hot Fruit,
I agree about The Departed. That movie is about as substantive as a loaf of Swiss cheese. Or should I say Irish soda bread? I was fine with Marty finally winning his Oscar for director, but Best Picture too? The Queen was far better, even though her gorgeousness Helen Mirren left me a little flat. Oh yeah, I agree that Jackie Earle Haley should have won for Best Supporting.
The real coup of the evening though had nothing to do with gangsters or royalty, but rather the big wins for Al Gore and An Inconvenient Truth. Maybe this country is actually capable of turning the rising tide, pun intended!
I checked into Leo's announcement about the Oscars going green, and the Oscar site doesn't really say much (you know, the purpose of that site is to show off the glitz not dim lights). But if you go to the Natural Resources Defense Council, they'll tell you what Hollywood did right this year and more about what we can all do.
The Ghost of Rachel Carson
I actually liked The Departed. Of course, it isn't a lasting movie. But I was glad we'll no longer have to sit through tales of Scorcese's whining.
Thanks, Ghost, for pointing me to this post and for directing me to the NRDC site.
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