Arts writer Stephen Blair invites you into his dreamy lair of films, books and music.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

If you're looking for a wicked and fun way to spend 666 (June 6, 2006), you'll have to look further than the new remake of The Omen - a horror film that wasn't all that great to begin with, if memory serves. Save for a few cheap scares and a rather impressively orchestrated beheading incident, there's nothing genuinely scary about the atmosphere, the obtuse symbolism or the convoluted plot. Julia Stiles, who to my mind is tone deaf and excruciatingly dull in all her movies, fits right in with the general smelliness of the whole endeavor. But it's painful to watch talented actors like Liev Schreiber, Michael Gambon, David Thewlis and Pete Postlethwaite drag their way through this swamp of shit. In a maneuever that is nothing short of miraculous, Mia Farrow somehow manages to rise above the muck and deliver a sinister and memorable performance as Damien's demonic nanny.


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