Introducing Otik
The other day my partner Drew dug up a tree root that looked so oddly human that I couldn't resist dolling it up and naming it Otik (after the surreal Czech film Little Otik, a modern day folk tale about a childless couple who raise a tree root that turns out to have murderous intentions). I used Wellbutrin and Klonopin tablets for the eyes, a coffee bean for the nose (painted with green nail polish) and a lipstick-smothered pistachio shell for the mouth. I topped off his ensemble with a red rag diaper and a cap made of wallpaper and a silver satin ribbon.
Otik MUST be entered in some sort of art contest...perhaps a documentary about Otik? Your choice in eyeballs etc. is just too funny. A photo montage? A postcard series of Otik traveling the globe like the famous gnome?
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